
All you need to know about summer jobs program

Thanks to the Canada Summer Jobs program, funded by the Government of Canada, H'art Centre is adding additional summer students to our administrative and creative staff. Four summer students will contribute to our team efforts during the reopening phase as we deliver...

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How your City will support the arts through 2020 Arts Fund

The Kingston Arts Council and the City of Kingston announced the recipients of the 2020 City of Kingston Arts Fund grants recently. H'art Centre was among only 11 local arts organizations that received an operating grant. Take a moment to read an article in the...

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Harry E. Foster Foundation supports virtual program

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, H'art artists were dealing with the disappointment of the postponed performance of Small Things and the uncomfortable experience of being isolated at home away from their regular routine and friends. We reached out to the...

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MixAbilities gets a boost from Ontario Arts Council

H'art Centre can now develop our capacity to market the MixAbilities Inclusive Arts Training program to a wider group of users thanks to a grant from the Ontario Arts Council's Market Development Project. The Ontario Arts Council's Market Development Project supports...

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H’art gets new Love of Dance workshop grant

CFKA helps H’art build inclusive dance capacity, foster new collaboration H’art Centre announced Menka Nagrani, the founder of Montreal’s integrated dance company Les Productions des Pieds des Main, has joined choreographer Melissa Mahady Wilton, co-Artistic Director...

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Weekend Arts Mixer Fun Facts

We launched the Weekend Arts Mixer project in March as part of our H'art Accessible Arts Program. Through the project, we aimed to create meaningful inclusive arts for seniors in long-term care on weekends and encourage more intergenerational connection –– and fun! We...

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Project Update: The Box Seating Improvement

With the support of the Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston and H’art supporters, we delivered THE BOX Seating Improvement Project and its goal to provide more accessible seating options and better sight-lines for audience members attending productions in our...

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H’art and Fairmount Home Go Wireless

  On December 13, representatives from H’art Centre, Rotary Club of Kingston and Empire Life gathered at Fairmount Home to celebrate the "Go Wireless" pilot project with Fairmount Home’s leaders, recreation staff and residents. Five Smart TV monitors, multiple...

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H’art stages two sold-out performances of The Wishing Tree

On December 8 & 9, 2018, H'art Centre staged two sold-out performances of The Wishing Tree marking a huge success for our first collaboration with artist Suzanne Pasternak. Inspired by local stories and legends of Prince Edward County, The Wishing Tree is a...

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CFKA supports first BOX Residency

This month, H'art Centre will launch its first BOX Residency project. The ground-breaking project will provide two artists who are Deaf, living with disabilities, or experiencing barriers with the time, space, and resources to pursue a creative project of their choice...

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H’art’s 20th anniversary production gets a boost

H'art Centre's 20th Anniversary Celebration Gets a Boost Friends offer early support to upcoming celebratory production, A Gift From Martadella H’art Centre’s effort to mount a major theatrical production to mark their 20th anniversary in 2018 got a boost from...

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H’art offers new “Story Signing!” workshop

H'art Centre is thrilled to welcome ASL translator Theresa Upton for Story Signing!  on Thursdays this term. Theresa will be offering the American Sign Language Story Signing! workshop as part of a larger project that will support the development and writing of a...

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Hart Opens The Box

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:02:43 EDT AM H’art students and instructors enjoy some line-dancing as they warm up in The Box a new fully-accessible performing arts studio for people with disabilities at H’art. “This expansion nearly doubles the size of our facility,”...

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