
Message from our Founder: Build back a stronger arts sector

Recently, I listened to the 10/3 podcast, “How COVID-19 dropped the curtain on Canada’s arts sector”. Calgary Herald arts reporter Eric Volmers spoke with clarity about the value of the arts sector in Canada and how it has taken a beating during the pandemic. Many of...

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A Message From Our Founder: Learning to Dance in the Rain

Many, many organizations have been closed to participation due to public health recommendations meant to slow the transmission of COVID-19 across Canada. H'art Centre is one of them. While it is tempting to dwell on the disruptions to daily routines, the...

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A Message from Our Founder: Let’s Dance!

According to diversity and inclusion expert Verna Myers, “While diversity is about identifying differences and making sure everyone is invited to the party, inclusion is about extending a hand and asking everyone to dance”. That's exactly what we are doing this...

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More to Give: Anniversary Message

An anniversary message from our Founder Dear Friends, H’art started 20 years ago with the understanding that people with developmental disabilities from our community had more to give and that the Arts could be an incredible vehicle to encourage them to do just that....

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Reflections on Able Artists 2012

"Do people have expectations of you?" It was that direct question from a friend that stunned award-winning singer-songwriter Justin Hines many years ago. And, as he told the 150 people who attended H'art School's Able Artists 2012 on November 21st, he didn't have a...

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