Jenny Sealey, MBE
Able Artists 2017-2018
Jenny Sealey, MBE has been Graeae’s Artistic Director since 1997. She has pioneered a new theatrical language and aesthetics of artistic access experimenting with bilingual BSL [British Sign Language] and English, prerecorded BSL, creative captioning, in ear/live audio description methods. Her current international work includes working with Crescer e Viver, setting up circus training for Deaf and disabled people for the Rio 2016 Paralympic Opening Ceremony and Cultural Olympiad; touring Reasons to be Cheerful to Mexico, and directing disabled-led productions in Sri Lanka and Japan. Jenny co-directed the London 2012 Paralympic Opening Ceremony alongside Bradley Hemmings. She also won the Liberty Human Rights Arts Award and was named on the Time Out London and Hospital Club’s 2012 list of most influential people in the creative industries. http://graeae.org/our-work/

H’art Centre is located below Good Life Fitness. The building’s main entrance is off of Barrack Street. Wheelchair access and audience access to THE BOX inclusive performing arts space is available through the entrance on Wellington Street.
237 Wellington St., Kingston, Ontario, K7K 0B5
T: 613.545.1392
E: hartinfo@hartschool.ca