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10 things to do at H’art Centre this summer

Jul 5, 2023 | Current Projects, Featured Stories

We are kicking off summer at H’art with an incredible lineup of activities ranging from field trips to new workshops, training opportunities, and even a soundscape workshop in The Mix. It’s going to be a fun, creative and enriching few weeks. We’ve compiled a list of 10 summer activities. There are opportunities to participate, train, and take in some unique experiences. So, get your calendar handy and let’s get into it…

1. Experience an emotional journey

Big anniversaries can bring up big emotions. It’s natural to feel emotional around milestones like our 25th anniversary. This summer we will talk about our emotions, what affects us emotionally, and how that, in turn, can affect others around us — like ripples in water. Check out our anniversary video to see what is making us so emotional!

2. Take emotion-filled field trips

We will create and view different art around the city and note how it makes us feel. Stories In The Park, Music In The Park, Buskerfest, and more to be confirmed.

3. Create expressive soundscapes with ASL

We will explore soundscapes and how they make us feel. H’art Studio artists will make a natural soundscape of sounds they might hear in a forest. Then, artists will add movement and American Sign Language to create a visual representation. To learn more about our workshops and events, download our Season booklet, Ripples.

4. Design masks and costumes

H’art Studio artists will focus on how emotions can be theatrically expressed in the body and the face. Together with Jeff McGilton, they will explore, discuss and design original theatrical masks and costume pieces that may be used in a Fall show.

5. Express yourself through your drawings

H’art Studio artists will work through various illustrative and visual exercises including colours, portraiture, and using the weather or animals to symbolize emotions. It’s an opportunity to tell your emotional story through art. By the way, the artwork featured in this newsletter came from these early workshop sessions!

6. Develop our first opera-inspired performance

Research and development on a new opera-inspired production tentatively called “The Audition” began in early 2023. And this summer, H’art Studio artists will attend regular sessions to develop themes, storylines, and songs. Much more to come!

7. Check out ‘Rainforest IV at 50’

Sound artist Matt Rogalsky is running a workshop in The Mix which recognizes the 50th anniversary of a famous sound sculpture piece, ‘Rainforest IV’.  ‘Rainforest IV’ was originated by the composer David Tudor in 1973. The workshop will take place July 2-13, 2023 and invites participants of all levels of experience to gather and learn about the piece through making and performing it. We are pleased that H’art Studio artists will be part of this immersive workshop experience phase. Learn more about the project and public performance dates at the Baby Grand Theatre.

8. Train in our approach 

Each year we offer community artists the chance to enhance access to the arts by ensuring artists and educators are trained to effectively and empathetically support participants who are Deaf and those with disabilities. This year, we are piloting a new module for artists, arts educators, and volunteers interested in providing inclusive art workshops for seniors. Learn more about this opportunity.

9. Join an inclusive drum circle

Photo of a drum and hands. Reads "Ollin Drum Circle. All Drums. All Ages. All Welcome." H'art Centre 237 Wellington Street Kingston, Ontario. For more information contact Yessica.

Ollin Kingston offers an inclusive drum circle every other Sunday through The Mix at H’art Centre. Yessica Rivera Belsham is known for running community drum circles across Kingston and continues to run various series of creative arts, drumming, and dancing workshops. A cathartic experience accessible to all. Seniors and all ages are welcome.

10. Take a free trial class this summer

This summer, we welcome those new to H’art Studio to sign up for a free trial session. It’s a relaxed time to give something new a try. Know someone who could benefit? Refer a friend!


H’art gratefully recognizes 2023 support from:

Government of Canada, New Horizons for Seniors Program logo

RTO ERO logo

Davies Foundation Crest

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H’art Centre is located below Good Life Fitness. The building’s main entrance is off of Barrack Street. Wheelchair access and audience access to THE BOX inclusive performing arts space is available through the entrance on Wellington Street.

237 Wellington St., Kingston, Ontario, K7K 0B5

T: 613.545.1392
